Welcome to the Kingdom of Eastern Zartania
The Kingdom's main page is currently undergoing
extensive remodeling in order to keep up with the changing nature of technology,
with the Ministry of Public Information & Customs overseeing the upgrade.
The Royal Zartanian Government respectfully and humbly requests the public's
patience during this period of transition. We will attempt to have the
new page up and running as soon as possible. In the meantime, please use
the links provided below to assist you in visiting any of the Kingdom's
various homepages. Please come back and visit again soon.
Links to pages within the Kingdom of Eastern
Zartanian Government ---
Military --- Ministry
of Foreign Relations --- Ministry
of the Interior --- Ministry
of Treasury & Commerce ---
of Public Information & Customs --- Ministry of Science --- Sixth
Ministry --- Eastern
Zartanian Flags --- Royal
Demographics (out of date, 1362 info.)
Zartanian Sports --- KTZ
National Soccer Team --- Zartanian Culture --- Zartanian History
The Kingdom of Eastern Zartania is a fictional country
on the fictional planet Vexillium,
created by Edward Mooney, Jr., in
the Internet-based game ImagiNations.
Any representation of characters, institutions, government systems, economic
systems, or events real, historical, past, or present is probably somewhat
intentional, but has at least been cleverly disguised.
This page last updated on March 1, 303AP (1367 Zart.
All materials herein ©1998 - 2003 Randy